A good brush and comb are a must. They must be of good quality and washable.

It is imperative that you use only those brushes/combs that can be washed on a weekly basis

We have a full collection of brushes and combs made as per the traditional craft of France. Houses that supplied the royal courts of France.

Rahman,brigitte arlette

Prices ranges from 10.00 to 120.00 usd.

Those are products of France, Luxury Quality, made of wood, and they have been made to treat your hair right.

The combs are made of horns of the highest quality, and made by handcrafters of France

All items are washable, and in fact, it is indeed recommended to clean brushes and comb once a week.

All prices are quoted in US dollars- Our conditions and privacy policy are listed at:



Admiral Brush for men: flat brush-Paris

Ladies brush with handle- Paris 30.00
Bath Brush Long handle-Paris 45.00
Nail brush-Paris 20.00

Comb for hair-Paris with or without handle

**Moustache/Beard combs available too.

Comb with case-Paris 35.00

All above items are made in France as per high standards of quality and prestige.

Orders are usually shipped by registered airmail/UPS within 24hours of receipt of payment

Send an Unbounce-able Internet Check:
Pay to: Rahman,brigitte


Four galleries that I will keep updating.


And a short story "On the way to the hairdresser"-



Created and maintained by Rahman,brigitte arlette-2001


www.frenchnatural.com-- www.frenchnatural.net--www.millefeuillepoetique.com -- www.frenchnaturalpublishing.com


And any and all associated sites created by Rahman,brigitte Arlette.